Life-long smiles,
flow and more

From day one, The Bond has worked with Dentsply Sirona, a global leader in implant dentistry. Our tasks have included brand and communication strategies, positioning product brands, editorship, content marketing, etc. One of our many assignments stands out a little extra – Flow.

Dentsply Sirona


Communication strategy

Creative concept

Trade show concept

Photo and Film

Sonic and visual assets

PR & Content Marketing

An implant is a tiny screw - we communicate its massive effect on people’s well-being.

Workflows that make work flow

When dentists use products from all of Dentsply Sirona’s segments, they enjoy better workflows. We were asked to communicate this and realized the need for a new business strategy and a change in mindset.

To make it happen, we built our campaign around the insight that it was all about flow – the state when we achieve true greatness. That was key to getting the message across.

In short, we first reminded people how great flow feels and urged them to find more flow in their lives. Then, we talked about how Dentsply Sirona’s workflows could fix flow at work too. We created assets that spun from awareness to facts and figures to prove how smarter workflows equal happier patients and better business.

Films, songs and much more

The campaign included a host of assets. We produced films and photos, recorded a song, developed visual and sonic logotypes, wrote in-depth articles about flow for the editorial site, did a PR push, created trade show concepts and much more.

We showed people who worked there when they experienced flow – from DJing at night to enjoying a beautiful dawn on a SUP to get internal engagement. On a similar note, several of the industry’s key opinion leaders sat down to talk about when they experienced flow – in their personal lives and the practice.

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